I want to go home (14:45 min.)
- Tagged: going home, home, I want to go home

Why would a person living with dementia want to go home? What does it mean? What do we do? How can we hep those who ask to go home?…
Alabama Resources
Area Agency on Aging
Email: ageline@adss.alabama.gov
Phone: 334-242-5743 or 1-877-425-2243
First Methodist Montgomery (Respite Ministry)
2416 W. Cloverdale Park Rd.Montgomery, Alabama 36106
Contact: Daphne Johnston - djohnston@fumcmontgomery.org
Auburn United Methodist (REACH)
137 S. Gay St
Auburn, AL 36830
Contact: Christine Brody - Christine.Browdy@aumc.net
St. Luke’s Episcopal Church (Founder’s Place)
3736 Montrose Rd
Mountain Brook, AL 35213
Contact: Susannah Whitsett - swhitsett@saint-lukes.com
Jewish Collat Services (CARES)
3940 Montclair Rd
Birmingham, AL 35213
Contact: Pam Leonard - pam@cjfsbham.org
Canterbury United Methodist (Encore)
350 Overbrook Rd
Mountain Brook, AL 35213
Contact: Patti Williams - encorepatti@gmail.com
First Methodist of Dothan (Respite Care)
1380 West Main St.
Dothan, AL 36301
Contact: katie@fumcdothan.org
Asbury United Methodist (Anchor)
6690 Cahaba Valley Rd.
Birmingham, AL 35242
Contact: Gina McIntyre
Grace Episcopal Church (Grace Place)
305 Arnold St NE
Cullman, AL 35055-2910
Contact: Melva Jackson - melvalayne@yahoo.com
First Methodist Guntersville (Marshall County Adult Day Program)
539 Gunter Ave.
Guntersville, AL 35976
Contact: Lulu Dobbs - lula.dobbs@gfumc.net
First Methodist Eufaula (Connections)
101 E. Barbour St.
Eufaula, AL 36027
Contact: Caty Richardson - caty.richardson@chlaw.com
First Methodist Demopolis (Salt)
200 E Decatur St Demopolis, AL 36732
Contact: Bambi Hamilton - adeer2@bellsouth.net
Fairhope United Methodist (Sheppard’s Place)
155 S Section St
Fairhope, AL 36532
Contact: Susi Caminetti - susiehc@gmail.com
Arizona Resources
Email: CommunityServices@azag.gov; More direct emails at specific agency websites.
Phone: 602) 264-HELP – to report senior abuse.
California Resources
Email: https://www.aging.ca.gov/Contact_Us/Contact_the_California_Department_of_Aging/
Phone: 1-800-510-2020
Colorado Area Agency on Aging Resources
Website: https://drcog.org/programs/area-agency-aging
Email: AreaAgencyonAging@drcog.org
Phone: 303-480-6700 ; 1(866) 959-3017
Ombudsman Resources
Website: https://disabilitylawco.org/colorado-long-term-care-ombudsman
Email: sengelking@disabilitylawco.org (State PACE ombudsman)
Phone: 303.722.0300
Name of Director: Leah McMahon
Connecticut Area Agency on Aging Resources
Website: https://portal.ct.gov/AgingandDisability/Content-Pages/Topics-A-Z/Area-Agencies-on-Aging
Email: Kathleen.sullivan@ct.gov
Phone: (860) 424-5055
State Ombudsman Resources
Website: https://portal.ct.gov/LTCOP ; For regional list https://portal.ct.gov/LTCOP/Content/Contact-Us/All-Regions
Email: ltcop@ct.gov
Phone 1-866-388-1888 or 860-424-5200
Delaware Area Agency on Aging Resources
Website: https://dhss.delaware.gov/dsaapd/
Email: delawareadrc@delaware.gov
Phone: 1-800-223-9074
Deleware Ombudsman Resources
Website: https://www.dhss.delaware.gov/dsaapd/ltcop.html
District List Website: http://ombudsman.myflorida.com/DistrictsList.php
Email: DelawareADRC@delaware.gov
Phone: 1-800-223-9074
Florida Area Agency on Aging Resources
Website: http://elderaffairs.state.fl.us/doea/arc.php
Email: information@elderaffairs.org
Phone: 850-414-2000
Florida State Ombudsman Resources
Website: http://ombudsman.myflorida.com/
Email: LTCOPInformer@elderaffairs.org
Phone: 850-414-2323 or toll-free 1-888-831-0404
Georgia Area Agency on Aging Resources
Website: https://aging.georgia.gov/locations
Email: https://dhs.georgia.gov/contact-form
Phone: (404) 657-5258
Georgia Ombudsman Resources
Website: https://www.georgiaombudsman.org/
Email: Melanie.McNeil@osltco.ga.gov
Phone: 866-552-4464
Name of Director: Melanie McNeil
Hawaii Area Agency on Aging Resources
Website: https://health.hawaii.gov/eoa/
Email: eoa@doh.hawaii.gov
Phone: (808) 586-0100
Hawaii State Ombudsman Resources
Website: https://www.ombudsman.hawaii.gov/
Email: complaints@ombudsman.hawaii.gov
Phone: (808) 587-0770
Name of State Ombudsman: John G McDermott
Idaho Area Agency on Aging Resources
Website: https://aging.idaho.gov/area-agencies-on-aging/
Email: ICOA@aging.idaho.gov
Phone: (208) 334-3833 Toll Free 1-877-471-2777
Idaho Ombudsman Resources
Website: https://aging.idaho.gov/stay-safe/ombudsman/
Email: cathy.hart@aging.idaho.gov
Phone: 208-334-3833
Name of Director: Cathy Hart
Illinois Area Agency on Aging Resources
Website: https://www2.illinois.gov/aging/forprofessionals/Pages/AreaAgenciesOnAging.aspx
Email: cheryl.barrett@illinois.gov
Phone: 1-800-252-8966
Illinois Ombudsman Resources
Website: https://www2.illinois.gov/aging/programs/LTCOmbudsman/Pages/default.aspx
Local List Emails: https://www2.illinois.gov/aging/programs/LTCOmbudsman/Pages/default.aspx
Email: aging.ilsenior@illinois.gov
Phone: 1-800-252-8966 - Senior Helpline
Name of Director: Kelly Richards
Indiana Area Agency on Aging Resources
Website: https://www.in.gov/fssa/da/area-agencies-on-aging/
Email: https://faqs.in.gov/hc/en-us/requests/new
Phone: 800-986-3505
Indiana Ombudsman Resources
Website: https://www.in.gov/ombudsman/
Email: LongTermCareOmbudsman@ombudsman.IN.gov
Phone: 800-622-4484 or 317-232-7134
Name of Director: Lynn Clough – State Ombudsman
Iowa Area Agency on Aging Resources
Website: https://iowaaging.gov/area-agencies-aging/find-your-local-area-agency-aging
Email: https://iowaaging.gov/contact-us
Phone: 1-800-532-3213
Iowa Ombudsman Resources
Website: https://ombudsman.ks.gov/ and https://ombudsman.ks.gov/contact-the-office
Email: ombudsman@legis.iowa.gov
Phone: 515.281.3592
Name of Director: Cindy Pederson
Kansas Area Agency on Aging Resources
Website: https://www.kdads.ks.gov/commissions/commission-on-aging/aging-and-disability-resource-centers
Email: https://k4ad.org/contact-us All emails under the Area Agency on Aging Regional List
Phone: 855-200-ADRC (2372)
Kansas Ombudsman Resources
Website: https://ombudsman.ks.gov/ For individual counties https://ombudsman.ks.gov/contact-the-office
Email: Barbara.hickert@ks.gov
Phone: (785) 296 - 3017 Toll FREE (877) 662 - 8362
Name of Director: Barbara Hickert, State LTC Ombudsman
Kentucky Area Agency on Aging Resources
Website: https://chfs.ky.gov/agencies/dail/Pages/aaail.aspx
Email: chfs.listens@ky.gov
Phone: (502) 564-6930
Kentucky Ombudsman Resources
Website: https://chfs.ky.gov/agencies/os/omb/Pages/default.aspx
Email: sherryculp@ombuddy.org
Phone: (859) 277-9215 Toll Free:(800) 372-2991
Name of Director: Sherry Culp, State Ombudsman
Louisiana Area Agency on Aging Resources
Website: http://goea.louisiana.gov/index.cfm?md=pagebuilder&tmp=home&pid=10&pnid=0&nid=8
Email: Shirely.Merrick@la.gov
Phone: (225) 342-7100
Louisiana Ombudsman Resources
Website: http://goea.louisiana.gov/index.cfm?md=pagebuilder&tmp=home&pid=107&pnid=2&nid=15
Email: StateOmbudsman@la.gov
Phone: (225) 342-7100 Toll-Free: (866) 632-0922
Name of Director: Rosa Walton, State Long Term Care Ombudsman
Maine Area Agency on Aging Resources
Website: https://www.maine.gov/dhhs/oads/get-support/older-adults-disabilities/area-agencies-on-aging
Phone: 1-877-353-3771
Maine Ombudsman Resources
Website: https://www.maineombudsman.org/
Email: MLTCOP@MaineOmbudsman.org
Phone: (207) 621-1079 (800) 499-0229
Name of Director: Brenda Gallant, State LTC Ombudsman
Maryland Area Agency on Aging Resources
Website: https://aging.maryland.gov/accesspoint/Pages/Area-Agencies-on-Aging.aspx
Phone: (410) 767-1100 or (800) 243-3425
Maryland Ombudsman Resources
Website: https://aging.maryland.gov/Pages/state-long-term-care-ombudsman.aspx
Phone: (410) 767-1100 or (800) 243-3425
Massachusetts Area Agency on Aging Resources
Website: http://www.caremassachusetts.org/list10_MA_Aging_Services_senior_centers.htm
Email: http://www.caremassachusetts.org/a1_MA_request.htm
Phone: (617) 727-7750
Massachusetts Ombudsman Resources
Website: https://www.mass.gov/service-details/ombudsman-programs
Phone: (800) 243-4636
Name of Director: Carolyn Fenn
Michigan Area Agency on Aging Resources
Website: https://www.michigan.gov/osa/1,4635,7-234-64081-295815--,00.html
Email: AASAInfo@michigan.gov
Phone: 517-241-4100
Michigan Ombudsman Resources
Website: https://mltcop.org/
Email: https://mltcop.org/contact
Phone: Local Ombudsman 1-866-485-9393 State Ombudsman Phone: (517) 827-8040
Minnesota Area Agency on Aging Resources
Website: https://mn.gov/board-on-aging/about-us/area-agencies/
Email: mba.dhs@state.mn.us
Minnesota Ombudsman Resources
Website: https://mn.gov/dhs/people-we-serve/seniors/services/ombudsman/
Emaill: cheryl.hennen@state.mn.us
Phone: 651-431-2555, toll-free at 800-657-3591
Mississippi Area Agency on Aging Resources
Website: https://www.mdhs.ms.gov/adults-seniors/area-agencies-on-aging/
Phone: 601-359-4929
Mississippi Ombudsman Resources
Website: https://www.mdhs.ms.gov/adults-seniors/state-long-term-care-ombudsman/
Email: lisam.smith@mdhs.ms.gov (State Ombudsman)
Email List: https://www.mdhs.ms.gov/adults-seniors/state-long-term-care-ombudsman/
Phone: 601-359-4500
Name of Director: Lisa Smith, State Ombudsman
Missouri Area Agency on Aging Resources
Website: https://health.mo.gov/seniors/aaa/
Email: info@health.mo.gov
Phone: 573-526-4542
Missouri Ombudsman Resources
Website: https://health.mo.gov/seniors/ombudsman/
Email: LTCOmbudsman@health.mo.gov
Phone: (800) 309-3282
Name of Director: Jenny Hollandsworth , State LTC Ombudsman
Montana Area Agency on Aging Resources
Website: https://dphhs.mt.gov/sltc/aging/areaagenciesonaging
Email: http://sfx.vqo.mybluehost.me/M4A/?page_id=57
Phone: (406) 444-4077
Montana Ombudsman Resources
Website: https://dphhs.mt.gov/sltc/aging/longtermcareombudsman
https://dphhs.mt.gov/Portals/85/sltc/documents/Ombudsman/ OmbudsmanList_1.pdf?ver=2020-12-02-153226-383
Email: slee@ncils.org
Phone: 1-800-332-2272
Name of Director: Shellye Lee, State Long-Term Care Ombudsman |
Nebraska Area Agency on Aging Resources
Website: https://nebaaaa.org/
Email: https://nebaaaa.org/contact.html
Phone: 402-471-4624
Nebraska Ombudsman Resources
Website: http://dhhs.ne.gov/Pages/Aging-Ombudsman.aspx
Email: DHHS.LTCOmbudsman@nebraska.gov
Phone: (800) 942-7830
Name of Director:
Penny Clark, State Long Term Care Ombudsman |
Nevada Area Agency on Aging Resources
Website: http://adsd.nv.gov/Programs/ADSD_Programs/
Email: BEAS@dhhs.nh.gov
Phone: (603) 271-9203
Nevada Ombudsman Resources
Website: http://adsd.nv.gov/Programs/Seniors/LTCOmbudsman/ LTCOmbudsProg/
Email: adsd@adsd.nv.gov
Phone: (775) 687-4210
Name of Director: Jennifer Williams-Woods, State LTC Ombudsman |
New Hampshire Area Agency on Aging Resources
Website: https://www.dhhs.nh.gov/dcbcs/beas/
Email: BEAS@dhhs.nh.gov
Phone: (603) 271-9203
New Hampshire Ombudsman Resources
Website: https://www.dhhs.nh.gov/oltco/
Email: OLTCO@dhhs.nh.gov
Phone: (603) 271-4375, (800) 442-5640
Name of Director: Susan Buxton, State LTC Ombudsman |
New Jersey Area Agency on Aging Resources
Email: https://www.state.nj.us/humanservices/doas/contact/email/
Phone: 1-877-222-3737
New Jersey Ombudsman Resources
Website: https://www.nj.gov/ooie/
Email: ombudsman@ltco.nj.gov
Phone: 1-800-792-9770
Name of Director: Laurie Facciarossa Brewer , State LTC Ombudsman
New Mexico Area Agency on Aging Resources
Email: http://www.nmaging.state.nm.us/Contact_Us.aspx
Phone: 1-800-432-2080, 1-505-476-4937
New Mexico Ombudsman Resources
Website: https://www.nmaging.state.nm.us/Long_Term_Ombudsman.aspx
Email: http://www.nmaging.state.nm.us/Contact_Us.aspx
Phone: 1-866-451-2901
Name of Director: Zackary Quintero , Interim State LTC Ombudsman
New York Area Agency on Aging Resources
Website: https://aging.ny.gov/
Email: NYSOFA@aging.ny.gov
Phone: 1-844-697-6321
New York Ombudsman Resources
Website: https://aging.ny.gov/long-term-care-ombudsman-program
Email: ombudsman@aging.ny.gov
Phone: 1 (855) 582-6769
Name of Director: Claudette Royal , State LTC Ombudsman
North Carolina Area Agency on Aging
Website: https://www.ncdhhs.gov/divisions/daas
Phone: 919-855-3400
North Carolina Ombudsman
Website: https://www.ncdhhs.gov/assistance/adult-services/long-term-care-ombudsman
Email: Victor.orija@dhhs.nc.gov, renee.kea@dhhs.nc.gov or lakendra.dixon@dhhs.nc.gov
Phone: 919-855-3400 (Joyce Massey-Smith – Director)
Name of Director: Victor Orija , State Ombudsman (Joyce Massey-Smith – Director)
North Dakota Area Agency on Aging Resources
Website: https://www.nd.gov/dhs/services/adultsaging/
Email: carechoice@nd.gov
Phone: 1-855-462-5465
North Dakota Ombudsman Resources
Website: https://www.nd.gov/dhs/services/adultsaging/ombudsman.html
Email: dhsagingombud@nd.gov
Phone: 855-462-5465, select option 3 and ask for the Long Term Care Ombudsman Program.
Ohio Area Agency on Aging Resources
Website: http://ohioaging.org/area-agencies/
Email: http://ohioaging.org/contact-us/
Phone: 614-481-3511
Ohio Ombudsman Resources
Email: OhioOmbudsman@age.ohio.gov
Phone: (1-800-282-1206
Name of Director: Beverley Laubert , State LTC Ombudsman
Oklahoma Area Agency on Aging Resources
Email: info@okdrs.gov
Phone: 405) 521-2281
Oklahoma Ombudsman Resources
Website: https://oklahoma.gov/okdhs/services/aging-services/ombudsman.html
https://oklahoma.gov/okdhs/services/ aging/ombudsmensupervisorkeypersonnel.html
Email: ombudsman.intake.line@okdhs.org
Phone: (405) 521-2281
Name of Director: William Whited , State LTC Ombudsman
Oregon Area Agency on Aging Resources
Website: http://www.o4ad.org/
Email: info@o4ad.org
Phone: 503-463-8692
Oregon Ombudsman Resources
Website: https://www.oltco.org/oltco/index.html
Email: ltco.info@oregon.gov
Phone: 800-522-2602 | 503-378-6533
Name of Director: Fred Steele , State LTC Ombudsman
Pennsylvania Area Agency on Aging Resources
Website: https://www.aging.pa.gov/local-resources/Pages/AAA.aspx
Email: aging@pa.gov
Phone: (717) 783-1550
Pennsylvania Ombudsman Resources
Website: https://www.aging.pa.gov/aging-services/Pages/Ombudsman.aspx
Email: aging@pa.gov
Phone: (717) 783-1550
Name of Director: Margaret Barajas , State LTC Ombudsman
Rhode Island Area Agency on Aging Resources
Website: http://oha.ri.gov/index.php
Email: http://oha.ri.gov/get-involved/feedback/feedback-form/
Phone: 401-462-3000
Rhode Island Ombudsman Resources
Website: http://oha.ri.gov/what-we-do/protect/ltco/
Email: http://oha.ri.gov/get-involved/feedback/feedback-form/
Phone: 401-462-3000
Name of Director: Kathleen Heren , State LTC Ombudsman
South Carolina Area Agency on Aging Resources
Website: https://aging.sc.gov/
Email: https://aging.sc.gov/form/contact
Phone: 1-800-868-9095
South Carolina Ombudsman Resources
Website: http://ombudsman.sc.gov/
Email: https://aging.sc.gov/form/contact
Phone: 1-800-868-9095
Name of Director: A. Dale Watson , State LTC Ombudsman
South Dakota Area Agency on Aging Resources
Website: https://dhs.sd.gov/LTSS/default.aspx
Phone: https://dhs.sd.gov/contactus.aspx
South Dakota Ombudsman Resources
Website: https://dhs.sd.gov/ltss/ombudsman.aspx
Local Offices: https://dhs.sd.gov/ltss/ombudsmanoffices.aspx
Email: LTCO@state.sd.us
Phone: 1.866.854.5465
Tennessee Area Agency on Aging Resources
Website: https://www.tn.gov/aging/resource-maps/tennessee-area-agencies-on-aging-and-disability.html
Email: laverdia.mccullough@tn.gov
Phone: (615) 741-2056
Tennessee Ombudsman Resources
Website: https://www.tn.gov/aging/our-programs/long-term-care-ombudsman.html
Email: quiteka.moten@tn.gov
Phone: 615-253-5412 |
Texas Area Agency on Aging Resources
Email: AAA.help@hhsc.state.tx.us
Phone: 855-937-2372
Texas Ombudsman Resources
Website: https://apps.hhs.texas.gov/news_info/ombudsman/
Email: ltc.ombudsman@hhsc.state.tx.us
Phone: 1-800-252-2412
Name of Director: Patty Ducayet , State LTC Ombudsman
Utah Area Agency on Aging Resources
Website: https://daas.utah.gov
Email: dhsinfo@utah.gov
Phone: (801) 538-4171
Utah Ombudsman Resources
Website: https://daas.utah.gov/long-term-care-ombudsman/
Email: dmusto@utah.gov
Phone: (801) 538-3910
Name of Director: Daniel Musto , State LTC Ombudsman
Vermont Area Agency on Aging
Website: https://www.vermont4a.org/
Email: janet@vermont4a.org
Phone: 1-800-642-5119
Vermont Ombudsman
Website: https://asd.vermont.gov/services/ltc-ombudsman-program
Email: https://vtlawhelp.org/vtlegal_gethelp
Phone: 1-800-917-7787
Name of Director: Sean Londergan , State LTC Ombudsman
Virginia Area Agency on Aging Resources
Website: https://www.vda.virginia.gov/aaamap.htm
Email: Kathryn.hayfield@dars.virginia.gov
Phone: 804-662-9333, Toll Free: 800-552-3402
Virginia Ombudsman Resources
Website: https://elderrightsva.org/
Email: ombudsman@dars.virginia.gov
Phone: 800-552-3402, (804) 565-1600
Washington State Area Agency on Aging Resources
Website: https://www.dshs.wa.gov/altsa/home-and-community-services/agencies-help
Phone: 1-800-833-6384
Washington State Ombudsman Resources
Website: https://www.waombudsman.org/
Email: ltcop@mschelps.org
Phone: 1-800-562-6028
Name of Director: Patricia Hunter, State Ombudsman
West Virginia Area Agency on Aging Resources
Email: robert.e.rowall@wv.gov
Phone: (304) 558-3317
West Virginia Ombudsman Resources
Website: http://www.wvseniorservices.gov/StayingSafe/LongTermCareOmbudsmanProgram/tabid/81/Default.aspx
Phone: 1-800-834-0598
Name of Director: Suzanne Messenger , State LTC Ombudsman
Wisconsin Area Agency on Aging Resources
Website: https://www.dhs.wisconsin.gov/aging/offices/regaaas.htm
Email: kathleen.steele@dhs.wisconsin.gov
Phone: 608-266-2536 (Kathleen Steele)
Wisconsin Ombudsman Resources
Website: http://longtermcare.wi.gov/
Email: BOALTC@Wisconsin.Gov
Phone: 1-800-815-0015
Name of Director: Heather A. Bruemmer , State LTC Ombudsman
Wyoming Area Agency on Aging Resources
Website: https://health.wyo.gov/aging/
Email: https://health.wyo.gove/header-contact-form//?page-id=86
Phone: 307-777-7995, 800-442-2766
Wyoming Ombudsman Resources
Website: https://health.wyo.gov/admin/long-term-care-ombudsman-program/
Email: https://health.wyo.gov/header-contact-form/?page-id=15709
Phone: 307-777-2885
Name of Director: Patricia Hall , State LTC Ombudsman
Washington DC Area Agency on Aging Resources
Website: https://dacl.dc.gov/
Email: dacl@dc.gov
Phone: (202) 724-5626
Washington DC Ombudsman Resources
Website: https://dhcf.dc.gov/page/office-health-care-ombudsman-and-bill-rights
Email: dcoa@dc.gov
Phone: (202) 724-5626